
My Last day in Italy for the summer! I will return in October/November to find my new home in Bologna. Early in the morning, Minne, Esther and I drove from Padua to Milano. Where I am staying at a very nice hotel. It took 3 hours to get there. Then Minne and Esther drove onwards…

Farewell Padua

The last day in Padua was a redeeming day for the city. We got to enjoy the city much more and no see it for what it wasn’t. It’s a charming and friendly city. We had a great time meeting with people and, in particular, talking with the owner of our dinner restaurant, Paulo from…


Given our lukewarm feelings for Padua, we decided to skip exploring the city further until tomorrow and we headed out to Venice. In the deep of summer, the city was only moderately busy (butt still very busy). Here we are in St. Mark’s Square. Smarting from my disparaging remarks about it, the City of Padua…


Well we had our walk through Padua and the environs. It was viciously hot and humid way more unbearable than Bologna. Our landlady even was complaining it was unlivable now until late September. Padua was nice, sweltering walk not withstanding, but it just had nothing of the energy and friendliness of Bologna. I was at…

The Anatomical Theater

Our last big Bologna highlight was visiting the Anatomical Theater and one of the sites of the oldest universities in the world. The walk started with a walk through Piazza Maggiore with its famous statue of Neptune. It was incredibly ornate with very incredible details, many other pictures I took did nto come out for…