
The mythical 80/20 rule

In a sad day for most digital products and services, an italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, observed that 80% of Italy’s wealth was owned by 20% of the population. From that economic observation has come a torrent of the most far flung interpretations of a non-existent 80-20 rule. There is no 80-20 rule. There never was…

Misleading Designs

(Adapted from a previous editorial I wrote for interactions Magazine) This editorial is from a controversial issue on measuring usability. This special issue covered CIF usability testing (a seemingly innocuous if important topic). Upon publication many took strong esxception to our coverage of CIF testing. But perhaps these critics also took exception to our criticizing…

Results Are In: Fidelity Deception Ranks High on Usability Problems

This editorial is from a controversial issue on measuring usability. This special issue covered CIF usability testing (a seemingly innocuous if important topic). Upon publication many took strong esxception to our coverage of CIF testing. But perhaps these critics also took exception to our criticizing a practice all too often employed: how to lie with…