This is the last day before my daughters and Minne join me on this adventure. I have been warned Sarah tried to get out of coming here altogether and seems to have some private grudge with me. She’s pinned all on a sentence from an email I sent her. She told me recently that she…
All posts by arnotaylor
Day 5 evening: a magical night
Genoa is incredibly! But it was not off to a good start. I arrived in Genoa Piazza Principe station. I took two metro stops to the new AirBNB but there was no up escalator only two escalators going down. I did not want to go up those steep steps with two bags, pne of which…
Day 5 morning in the train On the way to Genoa
I woke up at 5 am this morning, after restless sleep. The Italian Victory last night did little to disturb my sleep though. After they won the game, fireworks went off and then there was a boisterous march through the village which passed quickly by my house. Afraid the train would be late I caught…
Days 3 & 4: I Castelli Romani
Days 3 & 4: I Castelli Romani I left Rome very early on day 3 to escape the heat. It was already creep[ing upwards to 80 degrees and I could not bear the thought of dragging two heavy bags and my back up down and up and back down and up three flights of stairs:…
Day Two: Next!
Roma, 9 lujlio 2021 The morning started with the colosseum, a special tour that would take us to the floor of the colosseum. I walked from the house to the colosseum and it was a wonderful pleasant walk and saw many familiar landmarks and sundry roman ruins along the way. The weather was cool and…
Day one: Roma–La Dolce Vita
Roma, 8 lujlio 2021 It is nothing short of miracle I am here to write this entry today, more on that later. 24 hours ago I was in San Francisco. For 240 hours I was obsessing about the ever changing requirements to enter Italy as an American citizen. Proof of vaccination was unclear. Types and…
Messages from Italy Prologue
Hello Everyone, I am planning a trip to Italy as the first part in a series of voyages that will help me determine where I would like to live when I retire. My first trip is departing Wednesday 7 July 2021. The COVID crisis is either over or at a suitable lull that it permits…
The UX Designer’s Charlatan Test
A First Step towards UX Sanity Checking ABSTRACT This paper proposes an introspective test to see whether the reader of this paper is a charlatan UX practitioner. If so, it points ways the reader can professionalize their practice. For the non-UX professional this questionnaire can act as an interview script to ascertain how professional a…
Know before you go: a first time kink primer
Whether just wanting to spice up your sex life or thinking of going into a kink lifestyle, starting the right way will have a big impact on your attitudes towards kink. In short here are 12 things to know before you go into the world of kink for the first few times. 1. A little…
Volume II of Goldberg Variations released!
I finally was able to release Volume II of The Goldberg Variations, The Redemption of the Damned. It is available now in paperback or ebook from Amazon, and from your local bookstore in a couple of weeks. The delays were beyond our control and the book had to outlive the ArnoLand Press which succumbed to…